Our Story

  • Ozzy

    Co-Founder & CEO
  • Chris


Meet our paw-founders: Charlie, Mambo, and Theo! This trio of furry friends love to play ball, run, and swim with their devoted human companions, Chris and Ozzy. Chris, a former Google employee, left the company to launch and eventually sell a successful tech startup. Ozzy, on the other hand, has a track record of building and selling thriving ecommerce and SaaS businesses.

As Charlie approached his 7th birthday, Chris noticed that his beloved pup was starting to slow down. Charlie tired more quickly during playtime, needed longer to recover after swimming, and even developed a concerning limp. Similarly, Ozzy observed that 12-year-old Mambo was having difficulty jumping into the car's trunk and going on his usual runs. Interestingly, Theo, also 12, seemed to defy the effects of aging altogether.

Driven by their deep love for their canine companions, Chris and Ozzy embarked on a mission to help their dogs maintain their youthful vitality. They dedicated months to investigating the latest scientific research on aging, focusing on methods to decelerate and even reverse the aging process at the cellular level. Their extensive research led them to a promising combination of compounds and formulations backed by cutting-edge scientific studies and veterinary experts in the field.

With great anticipation, Chris and Ozzy administered the carefully crafted formulation to Charlie and Mambo. The results were astonishing. Charlie's energy levels soared, allowing him to play fetch for longer periods and recover quickly from his swimming adventures. His limp disappeared, and he even had moments of puppylike playfulness again. Mambo, too, experienced a remarkable transformation. He regained the ability to jump into the car with ease, going for longer runs, and even wagged his tail with the intensity of helicopter rotors – a sight Ozzy hadn't witnessed in years. Mambo's coat also took on a newfound luster, and his muscles appeared more toned.

Witnessing the incredible improvements in their own dogs' quality of life, Chris and Ozzy knew they had to share their groundbreaking healthy aging formulation with other dog owners. Thus, LongTails was born – a testament to the unwavering bond between dogs and their humans, and a commitment to providing our furry friends with the opportunity to live their best lives.

At LongTails, we are dedicated to supporting dogs in their journey to longer, healthier, and more active lives by harnessing the latest scientific advancements in cellular aging. We invite you to join our passionate community of dog lovers and discover how LongTails can help your faithful companion thrive. Explore our scientifically-backed products and learn more about our mission to give dogs everywhere the gift of more precious moments with the humans who love them unconditionally.