Local Canine Convinced Intermittent Fasting is Just a Fancy Term for Owner Forgetting to Feed Him

Written by Ozzy Fitoria
·1 mins read
Local Canine Convinced Intermittent Fasting is Just a Fancy Term for Owner Forgetting to Feed Him

BOULDER, CO—Local dog Max expressed his growing suspicion that the new intermittent fasting craze is simply a cover-up for his owner's forgetfulness in feeding him. The Rhodesian Ridgeback mix has been subjected to this so-called "healthy lifestyle trend" for the past few weeks.

"I'm not buying it," Max said, eyeing his empty food bowl with disdain. "One moment my human is raving about the benefits of fasting for longevity and disease prevention, and the next, she's apologizing for 'accidentally' skipping my breakfast. Again."

Max's owner, Debora, insists that the 12-16 hour fasting periods are intentional and backed by science. "I've read the studies," she claimed, while guiltily avoiding eye contact with her hungry pooch. "Fasting promotes cellular cleansing, reduces inflammation, and improves brain function. It's all for Max's wellbeing."

However, Max remains unconvinced. "If this is supposed to be so healthy, why do I feel like I'm wasting away?" he questioned, dramatically collapsing onto the kitchen floor. "I thought my golden years were supposed to be filled with leisurely walks and extra treats, not this cruel and unusual punishment."

At press time, Max was spotted raiding the cat's food bowl in a desperate attempt to stave off starvation, while Debora was busy reading articles about the life-extending benefits of calorie restriction in canines.

Note: This article is purely satirical and should not be taken as veterinary advice. Please consult with your veterinarian before making any changes to your dog's diet.