Health & Longevity

  • Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate: The Active Form of Vitam...

    Pyridoxal-5-phosphate (P5P), the active form of vitamin B6, plays a crucial role in your dog's brain health and overall well-being. Discover what the latest research suggests about this essential nutrient's...
  • L-Theanine: The Calming Amino Acid That May Hel...

    L-theanine, a unique amino acid found in green tea, shows promise for promoting relaxation and reducing stress in dogs. Learn what the research says about this natural supplement's potential benefits...
  • Alpha-GPC: A Promising Supplement for Supportin...

    Alpha-GPC is gaining attention for its potential to support canine cognitive function, memory, physical performance, and overall brain health. Learn what the latest research suggests about this unique supplement and...
  • Green Oat Straw Extract: A Natural Way to Suppo...

    Green oat straw extract shows promise for supporting canine cognitive function, stress response, and overall wellness. Discover what the latest research reveals about this unique supplement's potential benefits and how...
  • Lion's Mane Mushroom: A Promising Superfood for...

    Lion's Mane mushroom is gaining attention for its potential to support canine brain function, mood, and overall health. Discover what the latest animal research reveals about this unique fungus and...